Geckos, Giveaway's, and Ron Tremper: The National Reptile Breeders Expo of 2016
The National Reptile Breeders Expo of 2016 was all that it was expected to be: incredible! With thousands of unique and fabulous animals, hundreds of vendors and breeders, and supplies galore, this is one of the largest reptile expos in the United States, and it attracts thousands from around America to come and share in the fabulous fun that the expo brings to reptile enthusiasts alike.
I've been lucky enough to be able to attend the National Reptile Breeders Expo for three years as a buyer, and I've enjoyed each and every time! This year was no different; with so much to see and so many to meet, there was never a dull moment in the hours I spent throughout my Saturday, walking through rows of friendly breeders and magnificent reptiles and amphibians

Me as a breeder, at most shows I come with a plan. All those who follow East Coast Eyelid Geckos know our newest breeding project to come in the near future is the Chinese Cave Gecko, and with only one male in our collection now, it was crucial for me to come to the largest reptile show of the year to find myself at least one female to pair with our lovely little Modoki.
I didn't expect this to be easy, in fact, I braced myself to go home empty handed, but one of the best parts of experiencing any show is not what you buy, but what you see and learn along the way. With so much to do and see, there is no way to go home disappointed.
One of the first tables I stopped at was Timberline (Vita-Bugs). One of my favorite feeder vendors, I was excited to see them there, and I was even more excited to find myself lucky enough to get to the show early enough for the 'early bird special'.
Early Bird Get's The Worms (500 free to be specific!)
As a breeder who works between pay days, that was certainly a treat, and I'd like to thank Timberline for such a generous giveaway for so many grateful buyers. Timberline also was proud to release samples of their healthy Vita-Crickets, Cricket aid, and Reptile Salad.
As I further made my way through isles and isles of cool animals, I saw so many more amazing creatures that seemed to take much liking to me. Maybe it was the fact that I was carrying two bags of feeders on my arm, but I guess you could say I made a lot of new reptile friends!
When they're so many cute faces, it's hard not to smile ear to ear! For a gecko lady, it was heaven! Geckos Galore for this gecko mama! With Crested's, Knobs, Leopards, African Fat Tails, and more, eyelids/eyelashes were everywhere!
And I counted myself lucky to come home with a little surprise: a Rough Knob Tail Gecko I named Hercules. Keep an eye out for a care sheet/breeding sheet in the future from us and these off little geckos!
However I had gotten this far, and picked myself up a new little project, I still hadn't come across my female cave geckos. I had managed to find some rough looking males, but females had continued to elude me. However, I couldn't think too long about missing out on much, as I came across not only some cool reptiles but some even cooler people.
I found myself lucky to meet Leopard Gecko Breeding legend Ron Tremper, and even got the pleasure of snapping a quick picture!

Very nice man, with some gorgeous geckos on his table!

I also got to have some fun with some old friends! One of the best parts of reptile shows and regular attendance is networking; they're wonderful animals to see, as well as wonderful people to meet each time!
Many tables later, I still hadn't found my female Chinese Cave Geckos, but I was leaving with lots of great supplies and even greater memories. However after a short snack, I was ready to go back in again, and do one last lap around the convention center to see if maybe, just maybe, I had missed something.
I had!
There they were, two captive bred, 6 month old, healthy female Chinese Cave Geckos! How sweet a sight they were, and would't you know, they both came home with me in a hot second!
Two beautiful ladies became part of my haul, and by the end of the day, with aching feet and a VERY skinny wallet, I was heading home. Not even a bad traffic jam on the interstate could dampen my mood; what a terrific day and a terrific haul!
One of the best parts of an expo day is the very end when you can pick through your newfound stash!
It certainly was a successful day at the National Reptile Breeders Expo. With new and old friends talk to, and new and old animals to see, there wasn't a moment that I didn't enjoy. It's a show I can't wait to see in 2017, and I hope to see YOU there too!