Crested Gecko Care Sheet

Crested Geckos have become the greatest loves of many reptile enthusiasts across the spectrum. Easy to find, simple to care for, and terrific to handle, these sticky footed geckos just don't seem to stop stealing the hearts of thousands.
Although their care is pretty straightforward, new comers to the ownership of these geckos should be well armed with good information, and in this article we'll explore some of the basics of caring for a Crested Gecko.
Where Can I Find A Crested Gecko?
Crested Geckos are very common at this point in the pet trade, and are rarely wild caught. Often times Crested Geckos can be found in chain pet stores, however the author does not recommend purchasing from these. A private breeder either personally, online, or at a reptile expo is the best source for these animals. You can also find exciting morphs now-a-days at reptile expos around the country.
What To Look For In A Healthy Crested Gecko?
A healthy Crested Gecko will be full-bodied and clear eyed. A missing tail is very common in Crested Geckos, in fact these geckos are sometimes sold at normal price without their tails. This does not affect their health what so ever, and can happen very easily. The tail will not grow back, however unless you prefer for visual reasons a fully intact animal, this is not an issue.
Crested Geckos are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time off the ground and in the vines and trees. They prefer a higher, not longer, enclose with plenty of artificial or real plant life to hide in and climb on. A 10 to 15 gallon tank can hold a single animal, while a 20 to 30 gallon enclosure can sustain a breeding pair or between 2 and 3 females. Never house males together, as they will fight.
Crested Geckos are tropical geckos, and therefor thrive at temperatures between 75-80 degrees F. They are nocturnal, and therefor do not require any type of lighting. The author prefers to keep her Crested Geckos at room temperature between 76-78 degrees F.
Dust any food outside of the normal Crested Gecko Diet (see Diet section for more info) with a calcium and vitamin supplement.
One unique aspect of the Crested Gecko is it's diet. Although these geckos can be given crickets on occasion, they should be fed a paste like diet know as Pangea Crested Gecko Diet Insect Formula. This diet will consist of all a Crested Gecko needs to thrive and grow, and only requires a mixture of water. Change out the dish of paste every night to every other night.
Young Crested Geckos do best if kept on paper towels, however the author prefers to keep her Crested Geckos on paper towels even into adulthood. These geckos can also be kept on Eco Earth safety.
Crested Geckos and high humidity go hand in hand. Seeing the Crested Gecko comes from a moist environment in the wild, it is important to provide your animal with a humidity range of 70-90%. Mist your Crested Gecko's enclosure daily to ensure hydration and moisture is kept at an appropriate level.
Crested Geckos require very little, except for plenty of plants and vines to hide and cling to. Whether these plants are real or synthetic does not matter, as long as you choose safe options. These animals can be perfect display pets, so if you are planning on decking out the enclosures you purchase, you will do well and be satisfied!
Handling and Temperament
Crested Geckos are incredibly easy to handle and are considered very tolerant of human interaction. One thing that must be noted is the ease in which their tails can break aware, so you must take caution in holding these geckos. Also gifted jumpers, sometimes Crested Geckos are known to leap; this makes it important to hold these animals close to a soft floor, and allow them to move freely between your hands.
These pasty little geckos are one of the easiest creatures to own in the world of reptiles, especially geckos. Simple to find, fairly priced, and fun to watch lap up a bowl full of creamy paste, these are some of the most recommended geckos on the market. If you're looking for a beginner reptile with some excellent qualities, a Crested Gecko just might be for you!